March 15, 2008

Creat an email account at Gmail

This tutorial will describe how to create an email account using Google mail or Gmail.

1. Go to Gmail site. Types at browser address "".

Gmail address
2. Click “Sign up for Gmail”.
sign up
3. Fill following list;
First Name: Fill your first name. true
Last Name: Your last name. ees
Desired Logon Name: true.ees .

your log

4. Chose a password to protect your email account. Do not create a password based on your date bird such as, 020370 or your first and last name such as truees. Minimal password is 8 characters.

Choose a Password: Make a unique Password. You could mix a number and your name.
Re-enter Password: Please enter again
Security Question: Please make a question for your password lost.

email password

Security question

5. Choose your location.
Security question

6. Fill word verification

7. The last you should agree with Google term of Service. Click a button " I accept Create my account"

That all steps to create a Gmail account. You will try? Click here